hehehe. actly i wanted to post this.
but then i saw something which im not suppose to see :)
nahhh 4get it. (until he/she comment my prev post)
actly! hr ni aku gembira!
cos aku tlg2 mak aku kt kenduri kawen td.
alaaa tlg senduk2 lauk..
senduk punye senduk perrghhhhhh comel siott abg amek gmbr tu!
aaaaa comel nye kamu.
sgt comel comel dan comel.
bergigi besi! saya sukkkkee! huhuhu.
eeeee tlg senduk lameeee pun takpeeee makcikkk!
sbb blh tgk abg tuuu lameeee lameee....
uuwekkkkksss! :P
Take the L, dude
3 hours ago
mesti dia lg betambah cumiel ketika sedang snap2 gmbar kann?? heew
yea ure rite!!! sangattt! heeee.
hehehe...apa lagi..tanya la photografer mana..mau juga ku tengok muka nye...hehehe...
ala i malu.. i usha dr jaohhh je.. HAHAHA. :P alaaa saje suke2 tgk muke die yg comel.. not a big deal rite? nnt ade yg kate aku gatai plakk.. :)
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