** ekceli aku nk upload gmbr safiah. tersgt cumel.
tp nset aku pehal tah. tamo connect. aish.
Three nick-names
1. ErniekO - makin lame jadi nieko. blh x. haha.
2. Ernn - e untuk ekor.haha
3. Kechikkk
Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. CSE di Celcom *huwah soo heaven!
2. Programmer di SCB *okey la. gaji oke. tp life so so sux. mau?
3. Selamat Pagi, Cikgu! :)
Three Places I have lived
1. kuala
2. lumpur
3. only
Three Places I want to live
1. home
2. shuwitt
3. home
Three TV Shows that I watch
1. PHDC *mickey mouse club house! haha.
2. News *what-so-ever la. asalkn news.
3. Ceramah2 di Astro Oasis, Tv1 dll yg di anggap kuno. heee.
Three cities I have been this year
1. KL
2. KL
3. KL
People that e-mail me regularly = texting la ek.. skunk nih.. hhmm
1. mfa
2. anna
3. aahhh check my inbox meh. hehe.
Three of my favorite foods
1. KFC haha.
2. Masakan macik kantin kt sekolah. sdapp.
3. Waffle Waffle Waffle
Three things I would like to do
1. Free
2. My
3. Mind + Soul *kahkahkah
Three friends I think will respond
1. Sya
2. Eze
3. Jaja
Things I am looking forward to
1. Money
2. Happiness
3. Future
**things? blasah sudeh.
Am I the only one?
2 hours ago
sudah buat
pasti buat deh~ :)
i missssshhh u.
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